Door Spring Supplies

Automatic Doors

Automatic entrance doors

Automatic entrance doors are a common sight today but, when buying or specifying doors, numerous options need to be considered to ensure that final performance matches up to expectations. If the door is also a fire door then the provisions of BS 5588 (covering fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings) must also be met.

Automatic Doors

Sliding doors are probably the most effective option in that they provide the most overall benefits. Users don't need to stand clear while the doors open or close regardless of the direction they approach the door. They are easiest for wheel chair users to operate and they can be made to fit almost any practical opening size. Provided the sensors are reliable and effective, they are most people's first choice. However, the one downside with sliding doors is that you need somewhere for them to slide and that space is not always available, particularly in retrofit projects.

If some space is available then telescoping doors can be used. Here the door is divided into smaller leaves that overlap each other as they slide. This means the overall width needed for the door is less than twice the size of the clear opening.

But, if there just isn't any sliding space available then swinging or folding doors can be used. Swinging door operators usually can be set for either low or full energy operation and can be fitted to existing doors so a new door isn't always needed. Traffic flow will usually define the mode of operation. In low traffic areas swing doors can be set to be operated manually by most users with an automated option for disabled users activated either by a push button or a hand held fob. Full access control can also be installed with access by push button, swipe card, key code or proximity sensor. In all cases provision must be made to protect those in the swept area and the choice of correct safety device is vital.

This is less of a problem with low energy doors as their closing speeds are designed to keep the kinetic energy of the door below the safe maximum. In areas of high traffic flow full automation is more likely but this brings additional safety concerns. Microwave motion sensors designed to ease traffic flow need to be combined with "on door" infra red safety sensors that allow the operator to stop or reverse the door upon detection of an obstruction. A full hazard analysis and risk assessment needs to be undertaken.

One area easily overlooked is "What happens in the event of a power failure?" Will the door become manually operable? Will it stay open or, in the case of a fire door, will it not only close but also latch reliably?

Perhaps most critical of all, the installation should be undertaken by an installer accredited to BS 7036:1996 (Safety at powered doors for pedestrian use) and then maintained to that standard thereafter. This code of practice covers not just the aspects of safety during the opening and closing cycle but also during the installation of the door. It also defines the maximum forces needed to operate the doors manually or breakout during an emergency. It even covers items like signage and the need for an annual inspection. All DSS installations are in accordance with BS7036:1996 and are carried out by our trained BS7036 accredited engineers.

The Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA) has a code of practice that includes adherence to BS 7036 and Door Spring Supplies are an Associate Member.

------------ Click Buttons below for more details on Automatic Door types ------------
Sliding & Telescoping Doors Swing Doors Bifold Doors
Sliding & Telescoping Doors Swing Doors Folding Doors
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Associate member of ASDA and all our automatic door engineers are accredited contractors.
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Door Spring Supplies Ltd. Unit 6, Queens Park Industrial Estate, Studland Road, Northampton. NN2 6NA