Can be used with all types of operators.Transmitter can be modified to operate in conjunction with push buttons
Sentry short range with a frequency of 433.92 MHz, maximum range of 100 mtrs in clear line of sight. Some of the obvious benefits of using Sentry remotes are:
Total convenience
Quality and reliability
Eliminating the need for excessive wiring (keeping installation and maintenance costs down)
Very easy to program (enter and delete users)
The ease of opening and closing doors, raising and lowering barriers and shutters
To assist the lesser able
Calling attention in a panic situation
Activating various types of alarms
Used as an accessory with many different electrical products both in industry and in the home
Always having the switch in your hand, pocket or around your neck
Superior French Rolling dip switch coding1,048,576 combinations, 28 bit
Single channel transmitter Part reference SEN/R/T1
Single channel receiver Part reference SEN/R/R1
Unlimited number of transmitters can be used with each receiver